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How to Achieve Your Dreams Part I The Right Frame of Mind 

Everyone knows that we are living in tough economic times right now. I am going to begin a series of blog entries that will be full of tips, resources, and encouragement for people on how to survive and thrive in these times and in good times. 

To begin, let me ask you a question. "How are you today?" Most people will automatically respond with "fine." So let me rephrase the question, "How are you REALLY today?" Did you still answer "fine?" 

How you are and how you feel are IMPORTANT. I believe that in order to achieve your dreams you must first take care of your body, mind, and spirit. 

I begin each day by addressing these three areas. First, I spend time in meditation and prayer. Second, I exercise by doing stretching, weights, and walking. Third, I do some reading or writing for money and I get myself thinking in a positive, optimistic way. I also eat a good breakfast and take my vitamin supplements. 

You see, in order to achieve your dreams, you MUST not let the things around you or negative feelings and thoughts control you. Don't let others control you or get in the way of you achieving your dreams. 

Begin to think about your goals and dreams and make a "dream board." This is simply a place to list your goals and dreams and you can also paste pictures of your dreams. Exercise your body, mind, and spirit today. 

Next time we will address how to start thinking differently in order to achieve your dreams. 

Have a WONDERFUL day!!